Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 4

So this week was another productive one. It consisted of my first midterm and Bill finding out what he's super secret wedding gift was. I bought him a brick that will be placed in Fenway park that has our wedding date on it. We will get a replica brick in the middle of July so it will be a nice little something to display in the house. On Wednesday night we met up with our friends Pat, Amanda, Dolly and Jason at Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Pat's birthday. He girlfriend got him a really cool and unique cake. Then on Friday we had a date night at Old Spagetthi Factory and then went to Lowe's to get more things for our house. We spent the whole day Saturday at the house putting up the reed fencing so our darling little Cookie doesn't get out and explore the neighboorhood while we are gone. We were also really happy to see that the painting is almost done in the
house. There just needs to be some touch-ups and then they will install the closet doors and pantry selves. The fencing went really well too. We almost had enough to do the whole backyard so next weekend we'll be going back there to finish it and introduce Cookie to the new house. We are also able to start slowing moving stuff into the house so it's not such a big job when we move on the 1st. Then today Bill went back to Lowe's to get a lawnmover and the rest of the fencing we will need at the house. Then we stayed at his
parent's house and celebrated Father's Day with his family. Now it's on the more studying for more midterms and more practicing and gigs for Bill.

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