Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 5

Well this week was very similar again to the weeks before. I had three midterms to study for and Bill had a rehearsal and moved a bunch of boxes into our house so when we move next Friday it won't be such a chore. The real fun happened on Friday when we went to Steamer's Jazz Club to see the Jeff Hamilton Trio for our date night. The group has been working on new stuff for their upcoming albumn and let's just say it was as mind blowing as ever. On Saturday I got a new haircut and Bill and I spent the day at the house putting more of the fence up and moving more boxes into the house. I bought Cookie over to the house so she could start getting used to her new home. She was kinda scared at first and wouldn't stray too far from Bill and I but after awhile it seemed like she was enjoying smelling out the new place. We also put up curtains in our living room and our shower curtains in the bathroom. It has been such an awesome experience moving and getting stuff for our new home. It will be nice to write this blog in the comfort of our living room in Chino next week : )

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 4

So this week was another productive one. It consisted of my first midterm and Bill finding out what he's super secret wedding gift was. I bought him a brick that will be placed in Fenway park that has our wedding date on it. We will get a replica brick in the middle of July so it will be a nice little something to display in the house. On Wednesday night we met up with our friends Pat, Amanda, Dolly and Jason at Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Pat's birthday. He girlfriend got him a really cool and unique cake. Then on Friday we had a date night at Old Spagetthi Factory and then went to Lowe's to get more things for our house. We spent the whole day Saturday at the house putting up the reed fencing so our darling little Cookie doesn't get out and explore the neighboorhood while we are gone. We were also really happy to see that the painting is almost done in the
house. There just needs to be some touch-ups and then they will install the closet doors and pantry selves. The fencing went really well too. We almost had enough to do the whole backyard so next weekend we'll be going back there to finish it and introduce Cookie to the new house. We are also able to start slowing moving stuff into the house so it's not such a big job when we move on the 1st. Then today Bill went back to Lowe's to get a lawnmover and the rest of the fencing we will need at the house. Then we stayed at his
parent's house and celebrated Father's Day with his family. Now it's on the more studying for more midterms and more practicing and gigs for Bill.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 3

Well this week was a little bit more eventful.Besides me being busy and stressed with school and Bill having gigs we actually got to do some fun stuff. The first eventful thing of the week was Bill giving me my wedding present. He got me a Nikon D3000 camera and an additional lens that has a nice zoom on it. I was so excitied! I've always wanted a fancy camera. Now I just need to learn how to use it before our honeymoon next month so we can get some awesome pictures. The next thing we did was have a date night/day at Disneyland on Saturday. We got to go on the new Star
Tours which we both thought was pretty cool. We also had a chance to go to California Adventure and go on the new Ariel ride and Soarin' Over California. Soarin' was pretty awesome and definately want to go on it again. We had to leave Disneyland early to go see our friends Ines and Marlene graduate from Cal Poly. The ceremony wasn't until 8pm so needless to say after the ceremony, pictures and get togethers we didn't get home until late. The last thing we did that wrapped up our week was stopping by our house to do some more work. We pulled weeds in the gravel next to
the driveway, dug up a tiny palm tree that was trying to grow and also pulled weeds from out back patio area. When we went inside we also saw that they started the painting already! It's so awesome to have all this stuff coming together. On the way home we stopped at Target and got all the stuff we need for our guest bathroom. Now we are finishing off the night with watching baseball and studying for my midterm tomorrow.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 2

This week Bill got his wedding present cymbals in the mail and got to play them on Thursday. They sounded so awesome and I can't wait to hear them on his next gig. Bill also told me he ordered my wedding present so hopefully I'll be able to share with all of you what it was in next week's post. We also got our wedding pictures on Thursday and are still going through them all to pick out our favorites to post on Facebook. Then on Saturday we went to our new house and tried out our color samples on the wall. We decided on the color to the far left. I can't wait to go back and work on our yard and see the accent walls colored. Looking forward to a busy week coming up.